Mr. Anthony L. Garae, Director
Administrative head of the Department of Energy, responsible for its overall coordination and management of the core programs for the Department.

Ms. Kathriana Kanas, Finance and Procurement Officer
Currently on study leave.

Ms. Hellen W. Tom, Project Implementation Assistant
Responsible for managing the budget and providing financial reporting of the Energy Sector Development Projects and other World Bank supported energy.

Mr Terry Mael, Principal Scientific Officer (Petroleum)
Responsible for managing of petroleum related activities in the country.

Mrs. Elizabeth Waiwai, Project Implementation Assistant
Provide prompt and professional administrative support to the project Consultants, Department staffs and Director of Energy.

Mr. Joseph Temakon, Principal Scientific Officer (Energy Efficiency and Conservation)
Responsible for all energy efficiency and conservation programmes.

Mr. Leith Veremaito, Program Manager (Vanuatu Rural Electrification Program)
Overall responsibility for planning, development, management, implementation and reporting on World Bank supported energy sector programs.

Mr. Gary Erick, Independent Verification Agent (Global Partners for Output Based Aid Program)
Responsible for overall verification (reality, quality, functionality and sustainability) of outputs as claimed by the power utilities.

Mr. Leith Veremaito, Program Manager (Vanuatu Rural Electrification Program)
Overall responsibility for planning, development, management, implementation and reporting on World Bank supported energy sector programs.

Mr. Gary Erick, Independent Verification Agent (Global Partners for Output Based Aid Program)
Responsible for overall verification (reality, quality, functionality and sustainability) of outputs as claimed by the power utilities.

Mr. Paul Kaun, Green Growth Specialist, Global Green Growth Institute
Lead the day-to-day engagement with the Ministry of Climate Change and other key government agencies & manage the consultant team present in country.

Mr. Joshua Nari, Junior Independent Verification Agent (IVA)
Independent individual responsible for the verification of beneficiaries, vendors & products under the Vanuatu Rural Electrification Program (Phase 1).

Mr. Japeth Jacob, ACSE Project manager
Managing and coordinating the implementation of the ACSE Project in the installation of a Solar PV systems, Biogas Plant & Automatic Weather Station.