File | Language |
Annex English | English |
Annex Translation | Bislama |
The following diagram provides the Project Owner’s organization chart relevant to the Project.
Department of Energy | ||
Antony Garae | Project Director | |
Gavin Pereira | VREPII Project Manager | |
Matthew Tasale | Manager of Electrification Unit | |
Garry Erick | Principal Scientific Office (PSO) Rural Electrification | |
Joseph Temakon | Principal Scientific Office (PSO) Urban Electrification | |
Joshua Nari | Verification Agent | |
Elizabeth Sam Waiwai | Admin Assitant |
The Owner’s Engineer (the Consultant) is tasked with supporting the Project Owner in undertaking the implementation of VREP II from a technical, environmental and social perspective.
The following diagram provides the Owner’s Engineer organization chart relevant to the Project.
TTA | ||
Roger Sallent | Project Manager | |
Alberto Jeronimo | Project Resident Coordinator | |
Ana Sancho | Project Management support | |
Xavier Vallve | Senior Advisor | |
Marilena Lazopoulou | Energy Analyst | |
Alejandro Arévalo | Civil/Structural specialist | |
Oriol Collell | PV Specialist | |
Christoph Peters | Senior Technical Manager | |
Chad Laurent | Contracts & Finance Management | |
Steven Ferrey | Public Private Partnership (PPP) specialist | |
Emily Chessin | Support to CADMUS team | |
Christina Becker-Birck | Support to CADMUS team | |
Arthur Abal | Support to CADMUS team | |
ERM | ||
Caroline Poujol | Environmental Specialist | |
Rutuja Tendolkar | Social Specialist | |
Samantha McCrea | Support to ERM team | |
Aritra Chakrabarty | Support to ERM team | |
LOCAL | ||
Leo Moli | Local Expert | |
Ernest Bani | Local Socio-Environmental Expert |
EIA/ ESIA Process | An Environmental Impact Assessment (EIA) or Environmental and Social Impact Assessment (ESIA) process is a systematic approach to identify, predict and assess the type and scale of potential environmental, and social, impacts associated with business activities of projects; the EIA/ ESIA process includes associated control and mitigation measures to prevent, reduce or offset these potential environmental, and social, impacts. |
Grievance | An issue, concern, problem, or claim (perceived or actual) that an individual or community group wants a company or contractor to address and resolve. |
Grievance Mechanism | A locally based and formalised way to receive, assess, and resolve stakeholder complaints about the performance or behaviour of the Project, including its contractors or employees. |
Stakeholder(s) | Persons or groups who are directly or indirectly affected by a project or entity as well as those who may have interests in a project or entity and/or the ability to influence its outcome, either positively or negatively. They may include locally affected communities or individuals and their formal or informal representatives, national or local government authorities, politicians, religious leaders, civil society organisations and groups with special interests, the academic community, or other businesses. |
Vulnerable Social Groups | Vulnerable or at-risk groups include people, who by virtue of gender, ethnicity, age, physical or mental disability, economic disadvantage or social status may be more adversely affected by potential adverse impacts from a project than others and who may be limited in their ability to claim or take advantage of the project’s intended development benefits and engagement mechanisms |
A Grievance Redress Mechanism is to receive and facilitate resolution of affected stakeholders’ concerns and grievances related to the Project’s environmental and social performance. The GRM process should be disclosed publicly and available during the pre-construction, construction and operation phases of the Project, and to be used by all affected stakeholders, including employees and contractors.
Grievances should be received, recorded/ documented and addressed in a manner that is easily accessible, culturally appropriate and understandable to affected communities. Where feasible and suitable for the Project, the grievance mechanism may utilize existing formal and informal grievance mechanisms, that will support the Project-specific proposed arrangements. The Project dedicated personnel on handling grievances will be consistent, experienced and qualified to do so.
The communities will be informed about the GRM during the stakeholder consultation and disclosure activities. The mechanism will be communicated and made available to all affected communities and in particular to both genders and vulnerable groups.
The Project dedicated personnel will be experienced and/or trained to seek solutions to complaints in a collaborative manner with the involvement of the affected community, taking into consideration customary and traditional methods of dispute resolution, and not impeding access to existing judicial or administrative mechanism available in the country for resolution of disputes. The mechanism includes a redress aspect so that those who feel their complaint has not been addressed in a manner they find satisfactory can have recourse to an external body for reconsideration of their case.
Concerns will be addressed promptly, using a transparent process that is readily accessible to all segments of the affected communities and at no cost to them and with no retribution. Grievances received and responses provided will be reported back to the community periodically (at least every six months).
The Project will provide an option for anonymous grievances, including for worker grievances whereby the worker’s identity can be protected from their supervisor or any repercussions.
The following Figure 5. Grievance Redress Mechanism Tracking summarises the GRM process. Timings per stage will be agreed with the DOE and included in the disclosure to communities.
DOE has selected a GRM Focal :
Grievance Redress Mechanism focal : Anthony Garae , Tel : +678 25201 | 33425 ,
The GRM Focal Point’s contact details are available to all stakeholders.
Grievances can be made by anyone to the GRM Focal Point within DOE.
The GRM Focal Point will work with DOE officers to support the handling of complaints brought to the attention of the GRM Focal Point and will be the secretary of the Grievance Management Committee
The Grievance Management Committee, consisting in the GRM Focal Point, the DOE offices supporting the handling of complaints, representatives from the Project development, is tasked with discussing and steering how to address issues / complaints. The Grievance Management Committee should gather when issue / complaint are received and in any case on a monthly basis.
- Anyone can raise complaints, grievances, concerns, ask questions or make comments or suggestions related to the Project;
- Anyone can contact the GRM focal point using the GRM focal point’s contact details provided above;
- the GRM focal point is responsible for receiving complaints, grievances, concerns, questions, comments, suggestions, and for responding to the person on a non-anonymous basis or generally via the Project’s website on an anonymous basis;
- the GRM focal point will confirm receipt of the complaint, grievance, concern, question, comment, suggestion, either providing a preliminary answer or confirming the expected timing to provide an answer; and
- by using this grievance mechanism, the complaint, grievance, concern, question, comment, suggestion with respect to the mini grid Project development will be received by the Project proponent which will endeavour to answer the complaint, grievance, concern, question, comment, suggestion and engage with the complainee and the Project’s other relevant parties to mitigate any complaint, grievance, concerns, or incorporate any comment, suggestion in the Project development to the extent possible.
ANNEX A to EoI Form: Basic requirements for the sub-project proposed site(s)
Overview of a VREP II mini-grid system:
Mini-grids are small-scale electricity infrastructure systems requiring limited land area. Land is required for several components as follows:
- Photovoltaic (PV) array–under the Project, the PV arrays are likely to be ground-mounted; however there may be an option to install panels on roofs of community buildings if mechanical cyclone resistance can be achieved. The PV array will comprise the largest piece of infrastructure by area; but it is expected that such area will range between 600 and1200 m2 (equivalent to a tenth to up to one football pitch);
- Battery storage and bio/diesel generator (genset) – these facilities will likely be housed together within a small building adjacent to the PV array. The below picture shows an example of a PV array and battery/genset building similar in scale to that being considered under VREP II. Inverters and transformers are small pieces of equipment needed in a mini-grid system that can also be housed within the battery/genset building;
- Distribution system– this will comprise power poles or easement for underground cables, wires and household electricity meters. The footprint of pole foundations is approximately one square metre (m2) and electricity meters are the size of a shoe box.
Criteria to select a good project site for the PV Array:
- Government-owned land preferably (if not, church land, if not, customary/ private land)
- Minimum area of 600 m2
- Flat topography
- Close to the village and easily accessible
- Minimum shade during most of the day
- Clear from vegetation or with light vegetation
- No trees of conservation significance within the proposed area
- Not too close to sacred sites
- Not too close to burial sites or cemetery
- Not too close to water sources
- Not at risk of flooding
- Not next to any existing electricity or production related infrastructure
- Not directly impacted an Eco sensitive habitat (e.g. a mangrove)
The Project
The Government of Vanuatu, through the Department of Energy (DOE), is implementing a number of projects designed to support increased penetration of renewable energy and increased access to electricity services for rural households, public institutions and businesses located in the dispersed off-grid areas of Vanuatu. The World Bank and other development partners support and fund some of these projects.
Source: World Bank Project Appraisal Document 9 May 2017, paragraph 25
The Vanuatu Rural Electrification Project (VREP) is a key initiative to achieve these goals and is undertaken by DOE. DOE is defined as the initiative’s Owner. VREP is being undertaken in two stages:
- The first stage (VREP I) involves subsidizing ‘plug and play’ solar home systems (SHS) for remote dispersed rural households; and
- The second stage of VREP (VREP II) involves extending the subsidies to:
- larger technician-installed SHS and microgrids (component I); and
- mini-grids (component II) starting with the development of up to five (5) mini-grids1 in rural communities of Vanuatu (the Project).
A number of communities will be selected via an endorsed selection criteria and invited by DOE to elect to host and benefit from a mini-grid under component II VREP II. As such, this is a demand-driven initiative: communities are to choose to benefit from the mini-grid systems. The Project will thus be implemented in partnership between the DOE and the recipient communities of the mini-grids. The mini grids under component II VREP II are also intended to be developed within the Environmental and Social Management Framework and the Resettlement Policy Framework prepared for DOE by the World Bank in December 2016 as part of VREP. The mini grids under component II VREP II are further intended to be developed within the World Bank’s overall Environmental and Social Safeguard Policies.
A mini-grid is a stand-alone electricity generation source and distribution network. The envisaged mini-grids are small solar / diesel hybrid systems suiaccordionle for supplying the power needs of a small rural village where the energy consumption is quite limited (c.20 to 500 customers). Based on preliminary conducted simulations, the system size is generally expected to be in the range of 30 to 80 kilowatt-peak (kWp) catering for a village with a peak load in the range of 10 kW to 50 kW (in the evening) and a daily power consumption of 150 kW to 400 kWh/day, though larger-sized systems may also be constructed. Such hybrid systems typically involves solar photovoltaics (PV) arrays, a battery bank (able to store the equivalent of one day of expected demand) and/ or a diesel genset, preferably using biodiesel from locally produced crops such as copra, to meet peak demand and restart the system, as well as an inverter device to convert the direct current (DC) power generated by the PV arrays to the local alternating current (AC) distribution network itself.
Source: Innovations for Sustainable Development in Mini-Grids & Gender Equality, Inclusive Design, Better Development Outcomes, Key Issues and Potential actions, The World Bank group, Climate Investment Funds, ESMAP, February 2017
Project Proponent
Trama Tecno Ambiental (TTA) and its sub-consultants, is the Consultant selected as ‘Owner’s Engineer’ for the development and end-to-end delivery of the mini-grids under ‘Component II’ of the Vanuatu Rural Electrification Project – Stage II (VREP II) as set out in the related World Bank Project Appraisal Document dated May 2017 (the Project). DoE is the Project proponent and is responsible for the development of the mini grid Project with the support of the Consultant. Both DoE and the Consultant will lead and manage the stakeholder engagement activities documented under this Stakeholder Engagement Framework.
Stakeholder Engagement and Grievance Redress Mechanism Principles
The stakeholder engagement and grievance redress processes for the Project will be based on the following principles:
- Transparency and fairness:The process for grievance resolution shall be transparent, in harmony with the local culture, and in the appropriate language. It should explicitly assure potential users that the mechanism would not impede their access to other judicial or administrative remedies.
- Accessibility and cultural appropriateness: Every member of the community or groups should have access to the grievance procedure. Any individual or group that is directly or indirectly affected by the Project’s and its contractors’ activities, as well as those who may have an interest in the Project or the ability to influence its outcome, either positively or negatively, can raise a grievance. To allow all stakeholders to have access to the mechanism, the grievance redress mechanism will be publicized in the local languages (Bislama and English) of the community and communicated on to any vulnerable social groups in a clear and culturally appropriate manner to them.
- Meaningful Information:Meaningful information should be disclosed to the stakeholders to allow for active and informed engagement.
- Channels of communicationare to be open throughout the Project for addressing each grievance by persons trained and capable of receiving and communicating with vulnerable social groups in a sensitive manner.
- Written records: A Grievance Record Register is maintained, in a prescribed Form, as discussed in Section 6, which includes the tracking process of resolution.
- Dialogue and site visits: All grievances are warrant of a meaningful conversation (site visit investigation or telephone conversation) with the complainant (and potential other stakeholders of relevance), to verify the nature and severity of the complaint. It will also give a first-hand understanding of the nature of the concern.
- Incorporation of feedback:The feedback received to-date from the engagement and grievance redress process shall be incorporated into the Project design, and the same shall be reported back to the stakeholders in a clear and culturally appropriate manner to all, including vulnerable social groups. The aim being that all parties are agreeable to the resolution (and that this is recorded appropriately).
Proposed Stakeholder Engagement Activities
1.4.1. Project Site Criteria and Selection Process
The development of the Project includes, amongst other elements, the definition and implementation of the site criteria and selection process. This process is being carried out in three steps:
- Initial step: DOE in conjunction with the Vanuatu National Statistics Office (VNSO) drew a ‘Long List’ of communities potentially eligible to VREP II (completed in August 2019);
- First step: DOE, as the Project’s Owner and with support of the Consultant, will select the ‘Short List’ of communities invited to express interest in VREP II and propose potential hosting sites; and
- Second step: DOE, as the Project’s Owner and with the support of the Consultant, will assess whether the proposed sites can be developed under VREP II and will evaluate any potential environmental, social and resettlement related implications in order to minimize adverse impacts and enhance project benefits.
DOE drew a ‘community Long List’ of the communities located outside the concession areas. This was the initial step.
The construction of mini-grid systems in Vanuatu, as ‘Component 2’ of the Vanuatu Rural Electrification Project – Stage II (VREP II) set out in the Project Appraisal Document, defines the following initial criteria for selection of sites with potential to support a mini-grid:
- Community household numbers greater than 75 households; and
- Business and public institutions load greater than 50 percent of the total load.
VREP II Component 2 is expected to support electricity service provision to approximately 550 rural households, which equates to around 2,750 people, and public institutions and businesses.
The development of the Project will follow a stepped process:
- The first step of the Project will follow a top-down approach: DOE drew during the initial step a ‘Long List’ of communities that may be eligible to VREP II, by identifying all the Vanuatu communities that are not located with the existing electricity concessions; during the first step of VREP II, COM is due to endorse the selection criteria which are to be applied to the Long List of communities to define the selected communities (the ‘Short List’);
The second step of the Project will follow a bottom-up approach: eligible communities will be invited to express their interest in participating to the Project; communities interested in having a VREP II electricity system installed within their community will be asked to propose one or more site(s) on government or church land, with the commitment that the community can provide the land for generation equipment and access for construction and for distribution lines;
Stakeholder engagement activities during this second step will consist of inviting stakeholders to express their interest in the Project and to work on identifying and suggesting potential suiaccordionle sites;
- The third step of the Project will consist of evaluating the proposed sites from a technical, social and environmental standpoint;
- Stakeholder engagement activities during this third step will consist of consultation as part of an Environmental and Social Impact Assessment process commensurate to the anticipated risks and impacts of the mini-grid development