21 trainers from Rural Training Centres in the provinces and local electricians who have attended the SEIAPI PV Solar training are now equipped with standard skills to be able to design and install a larger solar system in their communities. After three long weeks of high-level training of both theory and practical components of the workshop, it ended on a high note that the skills acquired must be used and transfer knowledge in their local context. In his closing remarks, the Director of Energy Antony Garae stated that this was the first time initiative for the department and BRANTV project to provide a high level training for local technicians and trainers from Rural Training Centres. “Technicality is still a barrier in Vanuatu and we want to get rid of this barrier at the community level that is why the workshop was carried to teach basic skills that the local technicians can apply when they go back to their communities in terms of installing a PV Solar system,” he said.
“This is not for only for the participants benefit, but for the communities represented and the nation as a whole as we drive together to implement the policies of the government through the energy sector. I applaud you all for successfully completing this workshop.” Stephen Mataitini who co-facilitated the workshop with Wade Evans from the Pacific Vocational Training Centre expressed their satisfaction that the participants were able to take something of value back to their communities. “We are inviting further collaboration with trainees especially through emails or phone so we continue to help provide further assistance if the need arises,” he said. “This is because of many of the trainees are based in the rural areas around the country with limited access to technical assistance and we need to keep in touch daily to make sure these local technicians do their job that meets the standard and is of good quality.”
Edward Vurobaravu who was also part of the cohort spoke on behalf of the trainees to express their gratitude in being part of the workshop. Mr Vurobaravu is the local representative from Sanma province. “This cohort is made of RTC’s trainers, local technicians and Solar mamas from around the country with different levels of understanding and we tried our best to capture all we could during the past three weeks,” he stated. “We learn many new things, proper methods or ways to install a system or the design that we will share with our communities and further develop our communities. We want to say thank you BRANTV and DoE for making this possible and the trainers for their time and effort inside the classroom and practical sessions,” he said. The participants of the SEIAPI workshop will be awarded with three certificates which are, Certificate of Designer and Installer, Certificate of Installer and a Certificate of Attendance from the Vanuatu Qualification Authority.